Name: Fritz-Albert Popp Born in 1938 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. He received Diploma in Experimental Physics in 1966 at the University of Würzburg (where Röntgen discoverd X-rays), received the Röntgen-Prize of the University Würzburg, and his PH.D. in Theoretical Physics in 1969 at the University of Mainz. He delivered his Habilitation in Biophysics and Medicine in 1973 at the University of Marburg, received nomination as Professor by the Senate of the University Marburg.
He has received several nominations as Lecturer, Research Fellow, Visiting Professor, or Honorary Professor at Universities in Germany, USA, India, and China. He is an Invited Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, member of the International Consciousness Research Laboratory (ICRL) at Princeton University, President of the Worms Academy of Reformative Medicine, Honorary President of the Center of Documentation of Natural Healing (ZDN), Vice President of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss (Germany), and member of the Executive Board of the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University (Philadelphia).